In order to improve the overall experience of visiting our website, we use a server-based log to collect anonymous information about our website visitors. This data is only used to generate statistical charts and will not be used in any other way.
Use of Cookies on our website
By using this site, you have given us consent to use cookies.
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit a website. They are mainly used as a way of improving the website functionalities or to provide more advanced statistical data.
Google Analytics
Our website uses Google Analytics which relies on cookies to generate more advanced visitor charts and data mining reports. Like our server-based logs, Google Analytics collects anonymous information that will not be used to identify our website visitors.
Controlling Cookies
Your web browser (the software you use to access our website) should allow you to control the cookies that it stores on your computer. Please refer to the relevant supplier’s website to find out more.
If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us by phone, email, or post.
Changes to this policy
We will post any changes to this policy on our website. Those changes will then apply to any future use by you of our website.